In the last months, we’ve been working hard at the WHATWG and W3C to spec out new HTML markup and a JavaScript interface for dealing with audio or video content that has more than just one audio and video track.
This is particularly relevant when a Web page author wants to add a sign language track to a video or audio resource for deaf people, or an audio description track (i.e. a sound track in which a speaker explains the key things that can be seen on screen) for blind people. It is also relevant when a Web page author wants to publish a video with multiple audio tracks that are each a different language dub for the video and can be used for less common cases such as a director’s comment track, or making available different camera angles for an event.
Just to be clear: this is not a means to introduce video editing functionality into the Web browser. If you want to do edits, you’re better off with an application that will eventually render a new piece of content and includes fancy transitions etc. Similarly, this is not a means to introduce mixing functionality (as in what DJs do when they play with multiple audio recordings). You’re better off with an actual audio mixing or DJ application that will provide you all sorts of amazing effects and filters.
So, multi-track is squarely focused on synchronizing alternative or additional tracks to a single resource with a single timeline to which all tracks are slaved.
Two means of publishing such multi-track media content are possible:
- In-band multi-track
- Synchronized resources
1. In-band multi-track
In in-band multi-track, there is a single file that has all all the tracks inside it. For this single file, there is now an API in HTML5 that allows addressing and controlling these tracks.
Of the video file formats that Web browsers support, WebM is currently not defined to contain more than one audio or video track. However, since WebM is using the Matroska container format, which supports multi-track, it is possible to extend WebM for multi-track resources. I have seen multitrack Ogg, MP4 and Matroska files in the wild and most media players support their display.
The specification that has gone into HTML5 to support in-band multi-track looks as follows:
interface HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {
// tracks
readonly attribute AudioTrackList audioTracks;
readonly attribute VideoTrackList videoTracks;
interface AudioTrackList : EventTarget {
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
getter AudioTrack (unsigned long index);
AudioTrack? getTrackById(DOMString id);
attribute EventHandler onchange;
attribute EventHandler onaddtrack;
attribute EventHandler onremovetrack;
interface AudioTrack {
readonly attribute DOMString id;
readonly attribute DOMString kind;
readonly attribute DOMString label;
readonly attribute DOMString language;
attribute boolean enabled;
interface VideoTrackList : EventTarget {
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
getter VideoTrack (unsigned long index);
VideoTrack? getTrackById(DOMString id);
readonly attribute long selectedIndex;
attribute EventHandler onchange;
attribute EventHandler onaddtrack;
attribute EventHandler onremovetrack;
interface VideoTrack {
readonly attribute DOMString id;
readonly attribute DOMString kind;
readonly attribute DOMString label;
readonly attribute DOMString language;
attribute boolean selected;
You will notice that every audio and video track gets an index to address them. You can enable and disable individual audio tracks (via the enabled attribute) and you can select a single video track for display (via the selectedIndex attribute). This means that one or more audio tracks can be active at the same time (e.g. main audio and audio description), but only one video track will be active at a time (e.g. main video or sign language).
Through the id, kind, label and language attributes you can find out more about what actual content is available in the individual tracks so as to activate/deactivate them correctly and display the right information about them.
kind identifies the type of content that the track exposes such as “description” (for audio description), “sign” (for sign language), “main” (for the default displayed track), “translation” (for a dubbed audio track), and “alternative” (for an alternative to the default track).
label provides a human readable string that describes the content of the track aiming to be used in a menu.
id provides a short machine-readable string that can be used to construct a media fragment URI for the track. The use case for this will be discussed later.
language provides a machine-readable language code to identify which language is spoken or signed in an audio or sign language video track.
Example 1:
The following uses a video file that has a main video track, a main audio track in English and French, and an audio description track in English and French. (It likely also has caption tracks, but we will ignore text tracks for now.) This code sample switches the French audio tracks on and all other audio tracks off.
<video id="v1" poster=“video.png” controls>
<source src=“video.ogv” type=”video/ogg”>
<source src=“video.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>
<script type="text/javascript">
video = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
for (i=0; i < video.audioTracks.length; i++) {
if (video.audioTracks[i].language.substring(0,2) === "fr") {
video.audioTracks[i].enabled = true;
} else {
video.audioTracks[i].enabled = false;
Example 2:
The following uses a audio file that has a main audio track in English, no main video track, but sign language video tracks in ASL (American Sign Language), BSL (British Sign Language), and ASF (Australian Sign Language). This code sample switches the Australian sign language track on and all other video tracks off.
<video id="a1" controls>
<source src=“audio_sign.ogg” type=”video/ogg”>
<source src=“audio_sign.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>
<script type="text/javascript">
video = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
for (i=0; i< video.videoTracks.length; i++) {
if (video.videoTracks[i].language === 'sgn-asf') {
video.videoTracks[i].selected = true;
} else {
video.videoTracks[i].selected = false;
If you have more tracks in both examples that conflict with your intentions, you may need to further filter your activation / deactivation code using the kind attribute.
2. Synchronized resources
Sometimes the production process of media creates not a single resource with multiple contained tracks, but multiple resources that all share the same timeline. This is particularly useful for the Web, because it means the user can download only the required resources, typically saving a substantial amount of bandwidth.
For this situation, an attribute called @mediagroup can be added in markup to slave multiple media elements together. This is administrated in the JavaScript API through a MediaController object, which provides events and attributes for the combined multi-track object.
The new IDL interfaces for HTMLMediaElement are as follows:
interface HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {
// media controller
attribute DOMString mediaGroup;
attribute MediaController? controller;
enum MediaControllerPlaybackState { "waiting", "playing", "ended" };
interface MediaController : EventTarget {
readonly attribute unsigned short readyState; // uses HTMLMediaElement.readyState's values
readonly attribute TimeRanges buffered;
readonly attribute TimeRanges seekable;
readonly attribute unrestricted double duration;
attribute double currentTime;
readonly attribute boolean paused;
readonly attribute MediaControllerPlaybackState playbackState;
readonly attribute TimeRanges played;
void pause();
void unpause();
void play(); // calls play() on all media elements as well
attribute double defaultPlaybackRate;
attribute double playbackRate;
attribute double volume;
attribute boolean muted;
attribute EventHandler onemptied;
attribute EventHandler onloadedmetadata;
attribute EventHandler onloadeddata;
attribute EventHandler oncanplay;
attribute EventHandler oncanplaythrough;
attribute EventHandler onplaying;
attribute EventHandler onended;
attribute EventHandler onwaiting;
attribute EventHandler ondurationchange;
attribute EventHandler ontimeupdate;
attribute EventHandler onplay;
attribute EventHandler onpause;
attribute EventHandler onratechange;
attribute EventHandler onvolumechange;
You will notice that the MediaController replicates some of the states and events of the slave media elements. In general the approach is that the attributes represent the summary state from all the elements and the writable attributes when set are handed through to all the slave elements.
Importantly, if the individual media elements have @controls activated, then the displayed controls interact with the MediaController thus allowing synchronized playback and interaction with the combined multi-track object.
Example 3:
The following uses a video file that has a main video track, a main audio track in English. There is another video file with the ASL sign language for the video, and an audio file with the audio description in English. This code sample creates controls on the first file, which then also control the audio description and the sign language video, neither of which have controls. Since the audio description doesn’t have controls, it doesn’t get visually displayed. The sign language video will just sit next to the main video without controls.
<video id="v1" poster=“video.png” controls mediagroup="a11y_vid">
<source src=“video.webm” type=”video/webm”>
<source src=“video.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>
<video id="v2" poster=“sign.png” mediagroup="a11y_vid">
<source src=“sign.webm” type=”video/webm”>
<source src=“sign.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>
<audio id="a1" mediagroup="a11y_vid">
<source src=“audio.ogg” type=”audio/ogg”>
<source src=“audio.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”>
Example 4:
We now accompany a main video with three sign language video tracks in ASL, BSL and ASF. We could just do this in JavaScript and replace the currentSrc of a second video element with the links to BSL and ASF as required, but then we need to run our own media controls to list the available tracks. So, instead, we create a video element for each one of the tracks and use CSS to remove the inactive ones from the page layout. The code sample activates the ASF track and deactivates the other sign language tracks.
video.inactive { display: none; }
<video id="v1" poster=“video.png” controls mediagroup="a11y_vid" class="inactive">
<source src=“video.webm” type=”video/webm”>
<source src=“video.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>
<video id="v2" poster=“sign_asl.png” mediagroup="a11y_vid" >
<source src=“sign_asl.webm” type=”video/webm”>
<source src=“sign_asl.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>
<video id="v3" poster=“sign_bsl.png” mediagroup="a11y_vid" class="inactive">
<source src=“sign_bsl.webm” type=”video/webm”>
<source src=“sign_bsl.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>
<video id="v4" poster=“sign_asf.png” mediagroup="a11y_vid" class="inactive">
<source src=“sign_asf.webm” type=”video/webm”>
<source src=“sign_asf.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>
<script type="text/javascript">
videos = document.getElementsByTagName("video");
for (i=0; i < videos.length; i++) {
if (videos[i].currentSrc.match(/asf/g).length > 0) {
videos[i].class = "";
} else {
videos[i].class = "active";
Example 5:
In this final example we look at what to do when we have a in-band multi-track resource with multiple video tracks that should all be displayed on screen. This is not a simple problem to solve because a video element is only allowed to display a single video track at a time. Therefore for this problem you need to use both approaches: in-band and synchronized resources.
We take a in-band multitrack resource with a main video and audio track and three sign language tracks in ASL, BSL and ASF. The second resource will be made up from the URI of the first resource with a media fragment address of the sign language tracks. (If required, these can be discovered using the getID() function on the first resource.) The markup will look as follows:
<video id="v1" poster=“video.png” controls mediagroup="a11y_vid">
<source src=“video.ogv#track=v_main&track=a_main” type=”video/ogv”>
<source src=“video.mp4#track=v_main&track=a_main” type=”video/mp4”>
<video id="v2" poster=“sign.png” controls mediagroup="a11y_vid">
<source src=“video.ogv#track=asl&track=bsl&track=asf” type=”video/ogv”>
<source src=“video.mp4#track=asl&track=bsl&track=asf” type=”video/mp4”>
Note that with multiple video elements you can always style them in the way that you want them displayed on screen. E.g. if you want a picture-in-picture display, you scale the second video down and absolutely position it on top of the first one in the appropriate location. You can even grab the second video into a canvas, chroma-key your sign language speaker on a green or blue screen and remove that background through some canvas processing before popping it on top of the video.
The world is all yours!
HOWEVER: There is one big caveat on all these specs – while they have all found entry into the HTML5 specification, it would be expecting a bit much to have browser support already.
UPDATE 23 July 2014: I’ve just changed this to use the latest spec, which should also at least partially be implemented already.
So any knowledge if any browser is working on support for this? The ability to do audio track selection on HTML5 video is really interesting to me (as are the other capabilities mentioned here)
AFAIK not yet. Browser vendors have been involved in the specification of this, but none have yet committed to their implementation. You will need to go to the browser vendors (probably their bug trackers) and request implementation.
Hi Sylvia,
In researching for multi-track audio for karaoke music, I reached here. My big question is that wha encoders are available today for multi-track encoding in browsers and Adobe Flash? Also, how about supporting .mogg file format? Why restrict it to only WebM?
Cheers. -Amitabh
Hi Amitabh,
Today, no multitrack functionality has been implemented into Web browsers yet. This is all specification text waiting to be implemented. The specification is not encoding format specific, but generic – it will work for multitrack Ogg, WebM, MP4 and whatever else browsers want to support.
As for multitrack encoding: you would probably not do that in with browser capabilities but with an authoring tool. There is oggz-merge available for Ogg. WebM right now does not support multitrack.
Also, as I understand it, the .mogg format is a non-standard multitrack Ogg Vorbis format. It uses the standard .ogg format and throws some extra headers in front of it to manage the tracks. It is unlikely browsers will support this format – they will more likely support standard multitrack Ogg.
Great Article, excellent writing and reasoning
Hi Silvia,
I’m looking to help a friend build a site for their band. They are trying to get multiple audio tracks in sync and include buttons to switch individual tracks on/off.
I am wondering if you have a functional page for the example above or know of one I can look at.
Kind Regards
@Stu No browser implements this yet. But how about using – I’ve had it work in Mozilla, but had some problems in WebKit. Not sure about other browsers. It’s a start, but you may need to improve on it.
Thank Silvia! Will let you know how I go. Love your work
@Silvia what about the code in Media resources with multiple media tracks-example
@sundaresh – what about it? That’s the updated version from what I described in this article. It has changed a bit, but not fundamentally.
@Stu — Any luck in following @Silvia ‘s suggestion for the multi-track audio thing you are working on with mediagroup.js? (didn’t work for me, w wav files in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari)
I’m building an app with a similar use-case as you, an app that allows me to browse, search, tag, and play multi-track audio loops from my archive. Would love to find a non-flash implementation to make this happen, if anyone on this thread has suggestions, please send-me my way.
@Stu @sundaresh I may be wrong about browsers not supporting @mediagroup yet. You might find it working in the latest WebKit & Chrome builds. Give it a try.
@Joe My projects on hold so sorry to say have nothing to report yet
There is a minor error in example 3. The tag ends with a video tag instead of audio.
@James Thanks, fixed.
We developed an app using Flash that presents a series of still pictures with voice annotation for each picture and also a background music track that loops for the entire duration of the playback. The music track ducks when there is an audio of an image frame, So we’re playing two audio tracks at the same time at varying volumes. So far it doesn’t look at thought this is possible as of Aug 2012 with HTML5 audio. If anyone has figured out how to implement this concurrent multi-track playback would love to hear about it. Thanks.
@BobbieB You can do that with HTML5, but you need to use JavaScript and you need a browser that supports @mediagroup on the audio and video elements.
can you program this for me ?
Hello Silvia.
I’m not an html5 expert, i’m a video expert.
I read a lot in these day to solve a problem. I need to start 4 different syncronized videos in a website, and then in some way , switch from one to another without lag.
Is that possible with Html5 ?
Thank you very much.
@Gianluca Not all browsers have implemented the @mediagroup attribute. And those that have may have bugs. Your best bet is probably to write a JavaScript polyfill for @mediagroup where you do frequent seeks on the videos to get them in sync.
Thank you so much for the answer.
Do you know where I can find someone to do this job for me ?
Here in Italy I don’t know no one that can do this.
Thanks again.
You mention seeing in-band multitrack mp4 in the wild. Any idea how it was produced? I’d like to have a video with two alternate audio tracks that would be controlled as you describe here. QuickTime Pro (Mac) seems unable to produce multitrack in any container other than .mov. Premiere Pro CS6 seems unable to produce multitrack at all.
@BobW I’m not an expert on MP4 but if you search for mp4 muxing, there seem to be several tools. For Ogg files we have oggz-merge, for Matroska/WebM there is mk4merge.
@sylvia Thanks – looks like Subler will work for me.
I think I may be able to help you with your project. We have finished a product that fits your requirements in Flash and we are hoping to move it over to HTML5 at the moment (wich is why I am researching here!). Anyway if you still need some help you can get me here –
Really great article and thanks for your time. (sorry for my shameless networking!)
we are currently migrating an e-learning portal from flash to html5. We have content videos arranged as slides in sequence for one topic, and trying to achieve onevideo:multiple audio track facility. After these 2 years, do we have any browser supporting the features you explained here? If yes, my life is saved
Anyway – this is a great article and very helpful to beginners like me.
Thank you
Aneesh Anand
@aneeshanand Unfortunately, browsers haven’t all implemented @mediagroup yet. However, you can use the code that’s been used for audio descriptions in this article:
I know the article is older, but any news on Chromes and Firefox or Safaris plans to integrate audioTracks object? IE10 does and it works fine!
@Christian no idea – file bugs!
Thanks for the reply and info. It works fine for me.
Hope it will work for every video formats and larger files too.
aneesh anand
mp4 with multiple audio tracks not playing in ie10 +win 7+HP system.. on all other machines ie10+win 7 combination allows playing the same file. What could be the reason???Thanks.
Hi Silvia,
I think something is wrong with your code parsing—I can’t see any code past the first part of your for loops in your examples.
uhh, thanks for noticing. Not sure what happened there…
I just fixed it up and also introduced the latest spec. Sorry for only just now noticing your feedback.
Hi! Does anyone know if browsers will support this soon?
Chrome used to support it, but just removed that support to fix some fundamental issues. I don’t know if any other browsers support it yet.
Do you know of any other easy, similar ways to achieve this functionality with todays ‘technology’? (In-band multi-track)
I need to assure multiple audio tracks playing at the same time.
You’re going to have to put each track/file in a separate audio element and make sure to resync them regularly via the JS API. Not fun…
So you need separate audio and video files? Or is it possible to access only the audio track to put in the audio element?
Per spec, you can use separate audio and video files or you can use multitrack files. In the latter case use the #track media fragment URI selector to select an audio track for an audio element (search for #track in the spec to find some examples). However, I don’t believe all browsers support the #track media fragment URI selectors yet, so you may need to fall back to providing separate audio and video files.
But that’s still not going to be supported in most browsers correct? From our testing separating and selecting different audio tracks only works in IE 11 and according to the WC3 page it’s not supported by any major browsers.
Correction: IE 10+ is supported.